Let's Work Together

Six designers we love to follow on instagram

Because design is more fun with high-fives.

6 images to highlight designer work

Restriction often brings innovation and creativity.

Vine limited users to six-second videos; and there was no shortage to the amount of creativity people produced. Snapchat stories only last for 24 hours, so friends, brands, and celebrities alike have found ways to embrace short-lived content.
Designers are no exception and Instagram has become their restrictive tool-of-choice. Some sustain entire careers through the app, while others use it as a mini portfolio to showcase their best work.
Instagram, though it has grown and become increasingly important in our society, is, in its own way, limiting. How do you get your message across with a grid of tiny squares? Even further, how do you show that in a single frame?
Though Instagram posts can now include up to 10 swipeable images, it’s the first photo that makes the impression. Following designers on Instagram can lead to endless inspiration, a glimpse into their creative process, or a good laugh about their after-work shenanigans.


These six designers have mastered the art of the grid, and we love following them all for different reasons:


Jen Mussari  | @jenmussari

With energetic, vibrant lettering, and playful paintings, Jen Musarri’s Instagram feed is like stepping into a bright, colorful dream.

We especially love her use of painting on un-traditional “canvases”; helmets and bandanas.



Rodrigo Corral Studio  | @rodrigocorral_

The Instagram page of Rodrigo Corral Studio features mostly book cover designs. Each is completely unique, but with an obvious sense of personality.

The designs are quirky, playful, and a little mischievous. Some of his most recognized works have been covers for John Green, and Junot Díaz. And, if we are totally honest, we may have read the entire “Southern Reach” trilogy solely based on his designs. 


Kelli Anderson  | @kellianderson

Kelli Anderson’s creativity reaches far beyond the screen. She plays with everything from photography, to paper, and more.

Her pop-up pinhole camera book is available for purchase now, and looks insanely fun. It’s incredible to see how this designer utilizes her creativity in unconventional ways.



Leta Sobierajski  | @letasobierajski

Leta Sobierajski’s page is a whimsical blend of behind-the-scenes and final product. She is both an art director and designer, and creates wonderfully playful compositions that can’t be missed.

By bringing form, color, and pattern off the screen and into an observable space, she’s able to capture movement and playfulness in a way that is utterly unique.



Catalina Velásquez G  | @catsvg

Catalina Velásquez is a London-based creative whose feed is equal parts vibrant photography, and saturated gradients. With a little bit of energy mixed with a dash of fun, Catalina’s work exudes greatness.

Her recent designs give us LETS vibes, which we love!


Priscilla C. Witte  | @pcwitte

One thing we love about Priscilla’s Instagram page is how she has collaborated with other amazing creatives. One of her designs was even made into a cake by.

She’s created wonderful murals that breathe such life and color into the spaces they inhabit. Her use of color and abstract shape is purely joyful.



Look to these designers’ feeds next time you’re in need of a creative boost. You never know what new ideas their inspiring recent posts may lead to.


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